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The FL-2021 race

August 13, 2020 | 8:59 am

We will arrange Finnmarksløpet in 2021. Let there be now doubt about it.
The corona virus situation around the world is pretty unstable, so we need to be prepared for an “un-normal race”. Most likely, the race with its three classes, will be similar to the 2020 edition. It is the surroundings we‘re unsure about.

A lot of the surroundings around Finnmarksløpet gather lots of people, that is of course a challenge if the corona situation isn’t better than it is right now when the race start in March. We need to follow the rules and guidelines from the Norwegian authorities. We can not guarantee that we can have full line up of audience at the starts, in the banquets, finish ceremonies etc.

The signup for FL-2021 starts at our standard time and date, the 15th of September at 18:00 hours.
For the entrants signing up for the 2021 race, there will be som extra information about withdrawal and worse case cancellation.

Happy trails to our mushing friends.