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During Finnmarksløpet many volunteers are working in our press centre. We publish many news in several medias. In addition to this page we recommend you follow our Facebook page , here you will find many short status updates, videos, pictures and more.

Evaluation 2024

May 7, 2024 | 11:19 am
Finnmarksløpet’s participants have given feedback on their experience of the 2024 race. Our goal is always to improve, the most important tool is the feedback from our participants. We sent o...
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Niklas Rogne is the Norwegian…

March 16, 2024 | 5:36 am
Niklas Rogne (27 years old) came second in the Finnmarksløpet 1200 and also secured gold in the Norwegian championship dog sledding open class. The 1200 class has been very demanding this year, and...
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Petter Karlsson is the winner…

March 15, 2024 | 10:55 pm
Petter Karlsson is the winner of the Finnmarksløpet 1200 for the second year in a row, and winner of the race for the 4th time in total! Only Tunheim and Engholm have more wins than Karlsson in thi...
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Where to watch the FL-1200…

March 15, 2024 | 9:43 pm
The winner of the FL-1200 will soon arrive! We estimate the winner in around 22.30 PM. Remember that this is an estimate and that the race is not finished so anything can still happen. Those who wi...
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FL-1200: The race management in Finnmarksløpet postpones the deadline for checking out of the checkpoint in Karasjok by three hours. This means that drivers in FL 1200 must drive out of Karasjok no...
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Buy tickets for banquets here

March 13, 2024 | 9:37 am
This year, tickets for our banquets are only sold digitally via a website. The link to the page can be found here. We still have tickets for both closing banquets available. https://finnmarkslopet....
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Ronny Wingren wins FL-600!

March 12, 2024 | 9:44 am
Ronny Wingren is the winner of Finnmarksløpet’s 600 class 2024! Under the soft morning light on Wednesday at 08.24, Ronny drove over the finish line to cheers from the crowd. With wet snow, t...
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Change of trail for FL-600

March 10, 2024 | 11:13 pm
Due to unsafe ice on the river Váljohka, the trail for FL-600 must be changed. FL-600 will no follow the same route as FL-1200 between Karasjok and Levajok. Mushers that have left Jergul will be no...
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Elisabeth wins the FL-Junior

March 10, 2024 | 2:28 pm
Elisabeth Kristensen won both the Finnmarksløpet Junior and thus also received the title as Norwegian champion when she crossed the finish line in Alta on Sunday morning at 1.40pm. Elisabeth was me...
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The Juniors and 600s are…

March 9, 2024 | 3:49 pm
At last all the dog sled teams are out in Finnmarksløpet 2024! This year’s race is the 43rd edition of the Finnmarksløpet. On Saturday 09 March, 6 juniors and 68 participants in the 600 class...
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Deadline coming up

September 29, 2020 | 8:21 am
Entrants who want to be in the draw of bib numbers need to be signed up before 1st of October. The expiry date for signup to Finnmarksløpet is still 30th November, but as usually, the deadline to b...
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Many mushers chose to rest along the trail this year. Rache Marshall Rita Halvig says they must make sure they get off the snowmobile trail and not rest ON the trail. “When resting between ch...
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Who can take the cabin…

March 14, 2019 | 8:23 pm
Ever odd year, one musher gets to take home a Saltdalshytta cabin worth NOK 600,000 (USD 70,000).  The cabin prize goes to the musher who has the best combined result for two consecutive years, i.e...
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FL-500: Red Lantern Arrived in…

March 14, 2019 | 1:34 pm
Just before 12 noon, the two last teams on the FL-500 trail arrived at the finish line in Alta. The race is now officially over. Hans Petter Harangen and Linda Monsen Vassdal arrived at the finish ...
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FL-500: Andre Bjørnstad Got the…

March 14, 2019 | 12:22 pm
At last night’s FL-500 banquet, Andre Bjørnstad received the much respected Veterinarians’ Award. He stood out with good dog care and his relationship to the race vets. What was formerly known as t...
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FL-Junior Award Ceremony

March 11, 2019 | 3:05 pm
A three-figured number of people attended the FL-junior award ceremony in Alta’s high street this morning. The winners as well as the other participants were praised for their performances. Ronja P...
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Current standings for dummies

March 11, 2019 | 1:12 pm
What can you really read from the list of current standings? How does this fit with the GPS tracking map? How can someone be in the lead on the trail without being in the lead of the race? In this ...
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Dallas Seavey finished #3 in…

March 17, 2018 | 11:33 am
The American Iditarod winner and experienced musher Dallas Seavey arrived as #3 three in this year’s Finnmarksløp. He crossed the finish line in Alta with six dogs in front of his sled. After havin...
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Nothing could stop the Swede

March 17, 2018 | 11:20 am
Birgitte Næss passed Swedish Petter Karlsson by after two of his dogs decided to mate on the trail at Jotka lake; however,  she was unable to keep him behind her all the way to the finish line. Lat...
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– Need a bit of…

March 16, 2018 | 3:02 pm
Veteran Tom Frode Johansen with 19 FInnmarksløp on his CV, as well as several Femund Races and one Yukon Quest from 2016, does not complain about the race or the trails during this year’s FL-1200. ...
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Follow the Final Stages and…

March 16, 2018 | 12:46 pm
Our experts are on-trail reporting live from the lead of the FL-1200 race. The finish in Alta will also be streamed live on our home page as well as on Facebook. With 16 nations on the starting lin...
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How long does it take?

March 16, 2018 | 11:43 am
We have looked at running times between Karasjok and Alta for the past decade of Finnmarksløpet. The average time used is 11 hours and 30 minutes. The trail between Karasjok and Alta has been more ...
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What Happens In Levajok After…

March 15, 2018 | 9:53 am
The lead teams of FL-1200 are currently struggling through the inhospitable mountain areas between Hillagurra and Levajok. Many are curious to see how much rest they choose to take at cp Levajok af...
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FL-500: Best Dog Care Award…

March 14, 2018 | 10:06 pm
During the FL-500 banquet Wednesday night, Dre  Langfeld received the Best Dog Care Award. The award is the most popular award by far among mushers, perhaps with the exception of the 1st place in t...
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FL-1200: We Are All Rookies…

March 14, 2018 | 7:51 pm
Competition is growing harder in the lead of FL-1200. Our expert commentators Trond Ørslie and Nina Skramstad argue that everyone is a rookie now. – FL-1200 of 2018 is the very first 1,200 ki...
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Norwegian Ulsom won the Iditarod

March 14, 2018 | 2:27 pm
Joar Leifseth Ulsom from Norway made history when he won the Iditarod this morning (Norwegian time). Joar Leifseth Ulsom from the town of Mo i Rana, northern Norway, lives in Alaska. In his sixth I...
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Understanding the current standings table

March 14, 2018 | 11:43 am
New to Finnmarksløpet (the Finnmark Race)? Confused by the current standings table? Fret no more. We will explain it all to you. For our international followers, understanding the current standings...
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Current Race Status, 13 March

March 13, 2018 | 9:05 pm
Harald Tunheim made history and Dallas Seavey leads the FL-1200 race, increasing the distance to Thomas Wærner who has a dog in his sled on the way to Kirkenes. Reports from our expert Nina Skramst...
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FL-500: Bronze medal to Røros

March 13, 2018 | 8:18 pm
Sindre Kolstad Valan from Røros is a rookie in Finnmarksløpet this year. He caught up with a competitor during the last leg of the race, and managed to claim the bronze medal in this year’s FL-500....
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FL-500: Rookie claimed the silver…

March 13, 2018 | 8:08 pm
Rookie Solfrid Håkenstad became silver medalist when she participated in her very first Finnmarksløp. Håkenstad lives in Beitostølen together with partner Erik Rødesjø, who finished  #27 when he pa...
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The teams that make it first to the finish line in Alta, will take home some great prizes and awards; money, four-wheelers, dog food gift cards, and glass art from Northern Norway. A long list of a...
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Harald Tunheim crossed the finish line at 07:48 Tuesday morning and won a most convincing and historic victory in the FL-500 race. No other musher can count victories in Finnmarksløpet through thre...
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Current Status – Part 2,…

March 12, 2018 | 11:34 pm
Dallas Seavey takes his 16-hour mandatory rest in Neiden. Thomas Wærner now has a chance to take the lead in this race. There was much excitement around Neiden earlier today. Would Dallas Seavey hi...
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Current Status 12 March

March 12, 2018 | 6:03 pm
The big favourites tighten their grip – but it’s still a long way to Alta. On day four of Finnmarksløpet, two major favourites have demonstrated that they are serious. Both FL-1200 musher Dallas Se...
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FL-junior: Award Ceremony and Prizes

March 12, 2018 | 12:34 pm
Monday at 11:00 CET the Award Ceremony for FL-junior took place downtown Alta. The winners received their Norwegian Championship medals, and the winners as well as the other participants received v...
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Current Status 2, 11 March

March 11, 2018 | 11:26 pm
Here is a new current status report from day 3 of Finnmarksløpet.   FL-junior: The charming Ole Henrik Isaksen Eira won the FL-junior race today. He races with dogs from May Conny Johansen. At the ...
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FL-1200 TD Ruling Regarding Ola…

March 11, 2018 | 4:56 pm
FL-1200 musher Ola Brennodden Sunde was ill on arrival to cp Levajok. The TD permitted his team to maintain animal welfare for his team. Ola Brennodden Sunde was ill when arriving at cp Levajok. He...
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Race status at noon, Sunday…

March 11, 2018 | 12:18 pm
Here’s an update on the development in all three race classes during the past couple of hours.   FL-junior: The FL-junior class of Finnmarksløpet constitutes the largest ever junior race...
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Race status on 10 March

March 10, 2018 | 11:05 pm
Here’s an update on current race status towards evening of today’s race (CET).   FL-1200: The current leaders of the FL-1200 pack have covered some 240 kilometres (150 miles) when they rest at...
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Participant in Finnmarksløpet hit by…

March 10, 2018 | 10:42 pm
Updated: One of the participants in the FL-junior race was Saturday hit by a snowmobile while on-trail between Alta and Jotka. The incident happened Saturday afternoon CET. The race marshal and the...
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Watch Race Start Live

March 10, 2018 | 12:34 pm
While the FL-1200 race started last night (CET), we have two race classes starting today. Race start for FL-junior and FL-500 takes place from 13:00 CET onwards, and the location is downtown Alta, ...
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Winner Candidates, Profiles and Rookies

March 10, 2018 | 10:28 am
It is time to take a closer look at some of this year’s candidates. Let there be no doubt: Participants starting and finishing the Finnmark  Race (‘Finnmarksløpet’) are all winners. All race classe...
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Checkpoint? No thanks

March 2, 2018 | 1:49 pm
For those who do not know the sport well. This is what it’s about. In long distance dog race  there are many factors that play in. Participants normally travel from checkpoint to checkpoint d...
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Status from Finnmarksløpet

March 2, 2018 | 1:49 pm
Even though the race itself is a few months ahead, exciting things happen. The deadline for enrollment in both senior classes expires on Thursday 30 November. Should you be secured space during the...
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