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March 11, 2023 | 5:51 pm
This afternoon, the mushers of FL-junior and FL-600 hit the trails, and the competition for this year’s Finnmark Race and IFSS World Championship is now on. The FL-junior and FL-600 mushers h...
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March 11, 2023 | 11:03 am
One of the dogs on Trine Lyrek’s team (bib no. 9) in the FL-1200 class dropped dead on the trail of the first leg between Alta and Kautokeino. The procedures from the Norwegian Sleddog Association ...
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March 11, 2023 | 10:07 am
Today, the public entertainment and preparations commence downtown Alta at 12:30 CET. The FL-junior and FL-600 mushers will hit the trail with one-minute intervals starting at 13:00 CET, heading to...
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March 11, 2020 | 1:55 pm
Due to coronavirus infection precautions, Wednesday’s closing banquet for FL-600 at Scandic must unfortunately be canceled. The award ceremony for FL-600 will go as planned at 6:00 pm in the ...
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February 14, 2020 | 8:41 am
Boka «Vinterens Vakreste Eventyr» er rett rundt hjørnet. Historien om Nord-Norges største idrettsarrangement. Da Finnmarksløpet ble etablert i 1981, var det som et langdistanseløp for hundekjørere ...
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Denne hytta går til en heldig kjører med best sammenlagtplassering i år og i fjor. Men hvem blir det?
March 14, 2019 | 8:23 pm
Ever odd year, one musher gets to take home a Saltdalshytta cabin worth NOK 600,000 (USD 70,000).  The cabin prize goes to the musher who has the best combined result for two consecutive years, i.e...
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Linda Monsen Vassdal kjører inn til en 45. plass i FL-500. (Foto: Marit L. Abrahamsen)
March 14, 2019 | 1:34 pm
Just before 12 noon, the two last teams on the FL-500 trail arrived at the finish line in Alta. The race is now officially over. Hans Petter Harangen and Linda Monsen Vassdal arrived at the finish ...
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March 11, 2019 | 3:05 pm
A three-figured number of people attended the FL-junior award ceremony in Alta’s high street this morning. The winners as well as the other participants were praised for their performances. Ronja P...
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Status for teten i FL-1200 på GPS-kartet på det tidspunkt artikkelen ble skrevet.
March 11, 2019 | 1:12 pm
What can you really read from the list of current standings? How does this fit with the GPS tracking map? How can someone be in the lead on the trail without being in the lead of the race? In this ...
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